E-mail from Elder Taylor dated 09/13/2010:
I'm doing well, I've been out about a month now in Africa, and talk about culture shock! The first day here was completely overwhelming, and I just had to take it all in at the same time. It's a strange mix of swamp, city, bush(jungle) and just about everything else that would terrify the living heck out of you. You are completely right and the mosquitoes do come out en masses at dawn and dusk, and don't worry; I sleep with my net most of the time...jk.
I've gotten everything that I've prayed for; I've already used a machete a couple of times, I get to cross rivers in my bare feet, we have to take canoes to islands in my area, and I'm about as far from the mission home and President as I can possibly be. It was literally a three-day driving trip over jungle back roads to get to my area in Liberia (don't worry, I have some good photos).
The apartment is pretty nice, at least, nicer than what I was expecting. I really do have running water...most of the time. I've had to bucket shower a couple of times only though. We have electricity for about three hours of the day when the generator is running and has gas. But good news! They're working on connecting our house to 24 hour
electricity. I love cooking out of what's called a coal pot, where it's like an iron fire pit that the natives use to cook. So we're literally cooking our food over a fire (by choice). It's really fun and enjoyable.
The food is really...interesting. Most times they eat rice with a sauce that's usually fried leaves or boiled nuts or something and fish. Also, the food is SPICY! I've been running for the past week because I'm not quite used to so much hot food. I bet pretty soon I'll be pounding that spicy food like a pro! Eating fish heads really isn't as gross as it sounds; actually, it has some pretty good meat inside.
Taking all of this in really shows what I'm doing here is truly for the right reasons, and that I'm supposed to be here. It's a huge testimony builder to truly devote my whole time, thoughts and actions for the Lord and His work. The people here are wonderful, and they have so little of what they actually don't need and have soooooooooooo much of what they do. It's wonderful. President says that it's the
Garden of Eden of missions, and he's right. The people are literally starving for the gospel. We are constantly stopped in the street and greeted by people who want a Bible, to learn more, etc. Or...they think we're Jehovah's Witnesses. Ugh...every time I think I see a Witness, I try to convince my companion to try to teach him with me. Hahaha So far my favorite is teaching pastors. They're EVERYWHERE! I
wonder if this is how the world was when Joseph Smith was confused about the true church. There are different churches, beliefs, people preaching, sects everywhere. Like Amos said in the Bible, people are trying to find the truth but can't find it. Well, I'm so grateful it's my job for two years to help them find it. I have yet to have someone
tell me no when asked to be taught or to share the gospel message with them.
So I was lucky enough to have a baptism only two days after I got into the field. Her name is Amelia and she is one of the most spiritually strong person I have ever met. I truly wish I could have been there while she was being taught and have taken part in her conversion process, but I'm lucky to be here and see the change the gospel has given her life. We still see her to reteach all of the lessons and one more lesson, though, so I have the opportunity to help
her stay strong and truly find joy in the gospel. I can tell it makes her happy. And I know that this gospel touches the lives and brings joy to everyone that we teach. And I know this because it's true, our message is so true. Even though I'm only a month out I'm already wishing I had more time to do this amazing work.
I love all you guys and I miss everyone and I'm having a blast! Only 23 months left, and I'm in good hands. My trainer seems pretty cool and knows his scriptures. I'm learning so much from him. I'll talk more about him next time. Tell all my friends Hi for me and let them know I'm great. Thanks so much and I'll talk to you guys next
Love Elder Taylor
Wow it sounds like you are having a great time Elder Taylor. We are very proud of you. I loved hearing how you desribed the people starving for the gospel. There are so many people right here in the United States that are starving for the gospel in their lives as well but they just don't know that they are. Know you are in our prayers always. Love Uncle Les and Aunt Judy