Another crazy week,
I was sick with food posing for a few days and that was terrible.... truly terrible, haha but it’s I'm just a few pounds lighter and feeling tons better again :) Cuz I was sick we didn't go out teaching to much, but my companion and I still had 2 investigators get baptized. thankfully I wasn't the one baptizing, one of the baptismal candidates was over 200 pounds and well let’s just say my physical physic couldn't have handled it at the time. haha
The most spiritual part of the week was conference, it takes about a month for us to receive it. So yesterday we watched both Saturday sessions and Sunday sessions in one sitting, talk about a spiritual overdose but it was Amazing! Elder Holland's talk was defiantly without a doubt inspired, and for me. It me harder then any other talk I’ve ever heard. If you didn't see it please do this week, that is my request, (how can you turn down a missionary?) it is truly such an amazing talk and I know it was just what I needed. Especially with the news about grandpa.... I'm totally comforted.
The number two talk for Elder Taylor was given by non other then the prophet of the lord himself. His talk on gratitude... wow. I hope and pray when I come home in 2 years, I will truly understand that word.
I truly wish the whole world would slow down and just take a second to listen to that man. I know that they would know who he truly is. I saw people who could not understand English brake down into tears, and one thing I have discovered is Africans don't cry, it takes a lot for an African to shed a tear, but I saw people sobbing when he spoke, they couldn't understand him, but they came to know who he was. I can Stand and Testify that President Monson is more then just the inspired leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, He is truly the Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, of the Living God. I will follow the Prophet.
I love you and miss you all
Elder Taylor
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