So this week was a good week,
I spent most of the week on exchanges, (trade companions for the day) 3 days were exchanges. So I was able to learn alot.
I’m doing well; I’m feeling healthy and strong. I’m a little bit nervous though, this Sunday in transfer news, and I’m pretty sure I’m leaving Cong Town, which is exciting, but also kind of sad, I’ve come to know so many people in this area, every thing I know about Africa I’ve learned in this area.
Also this week we were given the opportunity to go to a fireside, with Pres Roggia as the speaker, talk about amazing, his topic was "how do I know who to marry?"I have like 10 pages of notes from it.....
My personal study is by far my favorite hour of the day; I can’t even begin to explain the stuff I’m learning. For example today I was studying the meaning of biblical symbols, my eyes were opened to today and I can not wait to go through the temple again.
Sorry my Email is so scattered, I’m still blown away from my study this morning.
Alright here are to cool story from this week.
Story One
so our district decided to walk to town today, it’s about 4 miles, so we decide since our area is on the beach, lets just walk along the coast. It was a good walk I love being next to the ocean, but it’s funny because the other two Americans in my apartment are fried.... I mean they are bright red and they are in pain, and the whole time I’ve been with Elder Priddis I’ve been telling him he needs to start warning sun screen, because he burns alot.
Moral of the story Elder Priddis has just decided Sunscreen my be a good investment, and had he listened to his companion (Elder Taylor) he would not be in discomfort, haha
Story Two
We have been teaching this 70 year old lady since October and she was able to finally baptize this week.
The amazing thing is on the morning of her baptism, Elder Priddis and I were going on exchanges with the assistants, so the four of us were going to pick up "Old Ma" and just head our different ways after her baptism. Well when we got there to pick her up, and she saw the four us she started singing and praising the lord, she even asked if we could pray before we left. So we prayed and as soon as the prayer was over, she was up and on her way headed to the church; she wasn't even waiting for us.
So we get to the church and the baptism went relay well, I was given the opportunity to baptize her, she did so well.
This is the best part though, here in Africa a lot of people get visions and dreams, (Because of the how strong there faith is) After her baptism she gave her testimony and told a story, she said last year she had a dream, and in the dream were four men Bright men, and they spoke to her, and told her "you have spent your whole life praying for others, you have been forgetting about your self" " now its time for you to start praying for you" She said two days after having this dream was the first time that she meet me and my last companion, she has been going through the lessons and she has been thinking alot about this dream, starting to make sure that she truly is on the right path. And then the morning of her baptism she stepped out of her little shack, and there were 4 American Elders in white shirts and ties stand there ready to carry her to her baptism.... The first time I herd about that dream was then, we never planned to have the 4 of us there it just happened.
Alright my time is up I love you all
Elder Taylor
I spent most of the week on exchanges, (trade companions for the day) 3 days were exchanges. So I was able to learn alot.
I’m doing well; I’m feeling healthy and strong. I’m a little bit nervous though, this Sunday in transfer news, and I’m pretty sure I’m leaving Cong Town, which is exciting, but also kind of sad, I’ve come to know so many people in this area, every thing I know about Africa I’ve learned in this area.
Also this week we were given the opportunity to go to a fireside, with Pres Roggia as the speaker, talk about amazing, his topic was "how do I know who to marry?"I have like 10 pages of notes from it.....
My personal study is by far my favorite hour of the day; I can’t even begin to explain the stuff I’m learning. For example today I was studying the meaning of biblical symbols, my eyes were opened to today and I can not wait to go through the temple again.
Sorry my Email is so scattered, I’m still blown away from my study this morning.
Alright here are to cool story from this week.
Story One
so our district decided to walk to town today, it’s about 4 miles, so we decide since our area is on the beach, lets just walk along the coast. It was a good walk I love being next to the ocean, but it’s funny because the other two Americans in my apartment are fried.... I mean they are bright red and they are in pain, and the whole time I’ve been with Elder Priddis I’ve been telling him he needs to start warning sun screen, because he burns alot.
Moral of the story Elder Priddis has just decided Sunscreen my be a good investment, and had he listened to his companion (Elder Taylor) he would not be in discomfort, haha
Story Two
We have been teaching this 70 year old lady since October and she was able to finally baptize this week.
The amazing thing is on the morning of her baptism, Elder Priddis and I were going on exchanges with the assistants, so the four of us were going to pick up "Old Ma" and just head our different ways after her baptism. Well when we got there to pick her up, and she saw the four us she started singing and praising the lord, she even asked if we could pray before we left. So we prayed and as soon as the prayer was over, she was up and on her way headed to the church; she wasn't even waiting for us.
So we get to the church and the baptism went relay well, I was given the opportunity to baptize her, she did so well.
This is the best part though, here in Africa a lot of people get visions and dreams, (Because of the how strong there faith is) After her baptism she gave her testimony and told a story, she said last year she had a dream, and in the dream were four men Bright men, and they spoke to her, and told her "you have spent your whole life praying for others, you have been forgetting about your self" " now its time for you to start praying for you" She said two days after having this dream was the first time that she meet me and my last companion, she has been going through the lessons and she has been thinking alot about this dream, starting to make sure that she truly is on the right path. And then the morning of her baptism she stepped out of her little shack, and there were 4 American Elders in white shirts and ties stand there ready to carry her to her baptism.... The first time I herd about that dream was then, we never planned to have the 4 of us there it just happened.
Alright my time is up I love you all
Elder Taylor
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