Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This is my letter for the week.  I love you guys,  this note is kinda long but i would at least like part of it read if not all at the funeral.  I know I'm in a different mind set being here on mission, but i hope its fitting.

    I truly wish I could be speaking this to you all standing face to face, I wish I wasn't 8,000 miles away right now.
    I don't have the words that this man deserves. All I can give are the simple truths, that I know.
    Nolan Taylor Is my Grandfather, and I Saylor Taylor am his grandson, in this life and will continue to be in the next. 
    Grandpa may have been a little rough around the edges, but he knew and surpassed the standard that has been set for Grandparents. He and my Grandma were there when their grandchildren needed them the most, They opened up their door to us and gave us a place to call home. My Grandparents did more for us kids then any one else in this world save it be our own parents.
    He was so much more than just my Grandfather, he truly was a second father, I could just as easily go to him as my own father. He helped chisel away at my imperfections, he was one who helped me grow, and gave me some of the tools needed to help shape my life.
    When I look back on my childhood, he will always be there in those memories, whether its Him and Dad turning me and Chevy into cheap child labor at the shop, or him and grandma arguing about how his new VCR ended up filled with french frys inside of it. We had a lot of fun with him.
    All of us grandchildren know what it is like to spend a day at the shop. I thank God every day for giving me the opportunity not to just visit for a day, but to grow up at the shop. there is no other place I would have spent those years of my life.
    I know that us kids drove him crazy, we drove every one crazy... when I look back on all the times i got threatened to get my butt kicked to the moon and back, or on those times in my youth that I let my family down.  I realize that not once in my life had I questioned his love for me.  Even at such a young age , I knew it was there and always would be.  No matter how rotten I was, his love was always there.
     I only saw my Grandpa cry one time in my life and that was the day I told him good-bye before I left for my mission to Africa.  I made him promise me that he would be here when I got home.  I told him that he would be the first person that I would see on my return to the valley.  I never saw him cry from pain or fear, it was only when He told me he loved me (even then he blamed it on his allergies).
    He loves all of his family.  His love did not stop with this life but will continue to grow and progress through eternity.
    I cannot pretend that I was not devastated when I heard the news.  Yes there was the desire to return home for him. As I was left to myself pondering over the news and reading the letter that my parents sent me, I heard a song that comforted me almost immediately.  It turned my feelings of sadness into proud thoughts of my Grandfather, because I now know where he is.
     The words of the song are:
     There is a refuge come inside be not afraid.  A mighty fortress, where the walls are built by the promises we have made.  A place of protection, with a sword that still defends what is right.  A place where the watch never weakens but goes on and on into the night, like the constant and the chaos.  It's been there all along, or the peace in the pay off, beckoning us to be strong.  Every minute of every hour the watchmen won't leave you, they're still on the tower.  No need to fear they won't fail or falter.  Just stand a little taller, still standing through out the ages, even though the world outside can be so mean.  If we are united, firm and undivided, we will be protected by the truth.
  The truth is that my grandfather Nolan Taylor is now our watchman, no longer restricted by his physical body, but is in a place where he can protect us and guide us.  We don't have to be afraid of what this crazy world will throw at us because we have  Watchmen, acting as ministering angels, protecting us and helping us stand up when the world knocks us down.
    Our work is not done, that is why we are still here.  Now let us let grandpa help us with the work that is left to be done.
    Someday all of us will be reunited with him.  Let us  all  make that as joyous of an occasion as possible by living our lives and accepting the help that Christ and the Holy Ghost are offering us.  Embracing the love that God has for us and knowing Grandpa is watching let us look forward to the day we will step through the veil and are reunited as an eternal family.
     I love my family, I love my grandpa.   I will miss him but I know this is not the end.                
Saylor L. Taylor

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