Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving week

    Thanks Giving week, I cant believe I'm missing Thanks Giving again.   Ill have missed 3 by the time I come home.  I'm excited though, here we are going to have a Thanksgiving dinner, put on by the senior couples, and they may show us the movie, "Fire Proof".  It sounds like it will be fun. 
     This Last Sunday we had district conference so we had to take buses to travel to the church head quarters in Liberia.  It was amazing, it was a special broadcast to West Africa, President Packer looked a lot healthier  then he did this last conference. Even though it was filmed afterwords, It was an amazing conference.
     Africa is crazy, there is so much dark magic and juju stuff down here, its scary sometimes, but all is well and the Lord is on my side. :) 
     On the bus ride into town a preacher got up and started preaching, praying for us to be covered in the blood of Jesus and how we must repent, or God will strike us down... As soon as they started chastising people who were not giving them money as offering, or who were not giving them enough money.  They started telling us we would be going to hell, and all this crazy business, because we were not giving Gods workers money.  I saw a man pay to have his sins taken away, "Law Indulgence" because the preacher was righteous enough for his sins...If he had the money.
   We ended up getting off the bus early my companion Elder Boateng, (African companion just for the Day) could see I was getting Irritated and got us off before I went off the the preacher,  No joke, he would say, "some people on this bus feel they are to good to give up there money, feel they are better then even Christ himself,"  he would say this starring at me, the one white guy on the bus.  of course I'm not going to give him money, I don't even get money.   This guy is just hounding me and bashing me, when I said "boy this preacher is hungry today"
         That was a really bold thing to say, every one knows preachers eat the money down here, if you want to be rich in Africa, start a church.  No joke, you know how we have fast and testimony meeting on first Sunday, they have pasture appreciation Sunday.   When you pay offerings they separate you into groups depending on what you pay.  The truly sad part,  that is the norm down here.  People are always so shocked when they hear how the church dose offerings and tithing.  Many of people try to give us money after teaching them, because, "Men of God never leave your home with out something for their service to the sinners",   that is so wrong.  
   Anyway after I made that comment a lot of the people tried not to laugh, and a lot of hands holding money went down.  I think I proved my point in the Nicest way I could at the time.  I was pretty mad inside, and I was just praying to keep my cool till we were off the bus.  It was hard, I had some hell fire and damnation preacher trying to bible bash me, but I didn't act Rash, I kept my cool proved my point, and got out of the situation.,
    Some things here are pretty rough, but I got every thing I asked for and I love it.  The work is going well and is so rewarding. We have two Amazing investigators.  James, he is a blind man, he works at a school for the blind, this man is amazing! He is getting baptized on DEC 25 with his wife ( that day is his birthday as well as Christmas), Ill talk more about him next week.  There is one more Amazing investigator, Ill type that story next week as well.  It is a, Church Magazine Quality story,  so you get to wait one more week for that story...
   I love you and miss you all, and oh for Christmas ill call it is way cheaper that way,
see you next week in my Emails
                                                                         Love elder Taylor

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